Tuesday, December 10 2013 – 6 PM at Early City Hall

1. Call to order and invocation.

2. Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Consideration of the minutes for regular meeting held on November 12, 2013

4. Citizens’ comments (citizens are invited to speak to the Council on a topic not already on the agenda.  No Council action may be taken on these items.)

5. Mr. Tony Krischke and Company will present FY 2012/2013 audit for council review and acceptance.

6. Consideration of a request from Bridgeland Development, LLC for approval of a resolution in support of an affordable rental housing development, Early Station.

7. Presentation by Katie Alford, President/CEO of Community Foundation Fund of Abilene.

8. Consider approval of amended 2013/2014 fiscal year budget for Early Economic Development Corporation.

9. Discussion and consideration of proposed changed for City of Early billboard, located in the 1000 block of Early Blvd.

10. Administrator’s report:

a. City Hall and Police Department remodel project
b. Water Pipeline project (Wade Walker)

11. Adjourn.