City of Early
Council Meeting
Tuesday, August 14, 2012 6pm
1. Call to order and invocation
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Consideration of the minutes of July 24, 2012
4. Citizen’s comments (the council invited citizens to speak to the Council on any topic not already on the agenda. No council action may be taken on these items.)
5. Heart of Texas to give presentation on new proposed child advocacy program.
6. Presentation and approval of Motel Tax Budget for fiscal year 2012/2013.
7. Consider recommendation of Planning and Zoning Commission concerning Special use Permit to place a manufactured home at 413 Longhorn Drive and adopt ordinance, if approved.
8. Consider approval of Continuation of Coverage Agreement with TML Intergovernmental Employee Benefit Pool.
9. Consider approving an ordinance to amend Chapter 22, Utilities Rates and Charges, Section 22-121 (g) additional charges to include a fee for late payments.
10. Discuss proposed Tax Rate for 2012/2023 fiscal year.
11. Administrator’s report – Water Conservation
12. Adjourn.