earlylonghornslogoAvery Fisher Hall at the Lincoln Center in New York was the venue for the Early ISD Concert Choir students on Tuesday, June 6, 2012.

Twenty-one students and sponsors of the group of thirty-two from Early, Texas, sang with a larger choir of about three hundred singers in the presentation of the Mozart Requiem in one of the world’s premier concert halls.  Although the Early Concert Choir students usually perform at Carnegie Hall, this summer they were invited to sing at the Lincoln Center because of renovations being done at Carnegie Hall.

Preparations for the trip began months in advance with weekly rehearsals of the major choral work. The choir was conducted by Dr. Daniel Aphonso and accompanied by the New England Symphonic Orchestra, in association with MidAmerica Productions.

The five-day trip included a cruise around Manhattan aboard the Spirit of New York, three Broadway musicals (Wicked, The Lion King, and Phantom of the Opera), sight-seeing, shopping and delicious cheesecake at the Roxy.

Those who participated in the trip were:  Abby Adams, Patricia Banks, Von Bates, Jolea Carpenter, Sherry Clark, Virginia Cox, Kandalyn Burleson, Rachel Ditmore, Nolan Ethridge, Amanda Harris, Cindy Harris, Jessica Harris, Caitlynd Henry, Cassidie Henry, Jakayli King, Janessa King, Jayslin King, Scott King, Allen Reed, Judy Reed, Bill Slaymaker, Ann Slaymaker, Taylor Sullivan, Brianna Childs, Tracy  Ebarb, Jacque Ebarb, Grayson Ebarb, Mary Ann Hamilton, Anna Rose Hamilton, Nate Hamilton, Gabrielle Hamilton, and Alex Hamilton.

The choral preparation for the trip was under the direction of Judy Reed, Director of Choral Activities for Early ISD.