EVFDlogoEarly Chamber of Commerce will host an appreciation dinner for members of the Early Volunteer Fire Department on September 26th at 5:00 PM.

Sponsorships are available at the following levels:

Firehouse Level $250 – Includes a logo on a banner inside Early VFD for one year and mentions in advertising plus two meals with two extra door prize tickets.

Firetruck Level $150 – Includes a logo on a banner inside Early VFD for one year and mentions in advertising.

Fire Department Siren Level $50 – Two meals and two extra door prize tickets.

Deadline for sponsorships is September 6th.  Organizers ask local businesses and individuals to consider sponsorship to show volunteer firemen appreciation for their time, training and tireless work fighting fires, performing rescues and being important first responders.

There will also be a live auction.  All proceeds benefit the Early Volunteer Fire Department.

For more information, please call the Early Chamber at 325-649-9300 or email wanda@earlytx.com.