Dottie Layman was recently named the Early Chamber of Commerce’s July Ambassador of the Month.
Layman was born in Brownwood and is the daughter of Clyde & Edna Word. She was raised in Fort Stockton, where she graduated high school. Layman attended Angelo State University where she studied journalism. After she married, she and her husband moved to Missouri where they owned two ranches, a farm and had a large cow calf operation. Layman she served as state board member for the Missouri State Cattlemen’s Association and also served as a lobbyist with them, the Christian Coalition, and with Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle forum.
Through Eagle Forum, Layman was trained to run a U.S. Senate campaign, and in 1996 she worked on 9 different political campaigns.
Layman moved back to Brownwood in 2001 and started her own business, called Miss Magic Cleaning Service. When she sold her ranch in 2013, she invested in rental properties here in Brownwood. Since then she purchased South Park Medical Plaza and several rental properties consisting of 3 & 4 bedroom homes, furnished cabins, and apartments. She rents mostly to medical travelers, doctors, nurses, physical and occupational therapists, and cotas.
Layman belongs to the Pecan Valley Republican Women Club. This year she was honored to attend the Republican State Convention as a voting delegate. Layman is very active with the Early Chamber of Commerce and serves as an ambassador.
Early Chamber officials thank Layman for all she does for the Early community.