
The Early Chamber of Commerce held their annual Awards Banquet on Monday, October 24th, form 6-8 p.m. at the Aldersgate Enrichment Center.  Awards were presented for teachers of the year from each Early ISD campus, Citizen of the Year, Board Member of the Year, Ambassador of the Year, and Business of the Year. Chamber officials also presented highlights of the past year, including a successful Early Pioneer Days weekend with record attendance and profits. Pictured above is Shawn Russell, recipient of the Citizen of the Year award, and her husband Gene, who also received special recognition.


Lisa Callihan, Outgoing Chamber President, welcomed attendees to the event, which was emceed by owner of Wendlee Broadcasting, Rex Tackett. Callihan also introduced the new Early Chamber of Commerce Membership Director, Michelle Cortez. Local dignitaries present were recognized and included Early Mayor  Robert Mangrum, Early city councilmen: Benny Allcorn, Charles Matlock, B.J. McCullough, Joel Johnson, and Janice Bush, as well as Early City Administrator Tony Aaron, Brownwood Chamber of Commerce Director Ray Tipton, and Coleman Chamber of Commerce Board President Jeromy Watson.


Four teachers from Early ISD were presented with awards as teachers of the year for their campus.  These teachers were elected by their peers and include Early Primary – Julie Schafer, Early Elementary – Candace Slate, Early Middle School – Kimberly Simpson, and Early High School – Peggy Morales.


Citizen of the Year was presented to Shawn Russell, for her community involvement and support. Special appreciation was also awarded to her husband, Gene Russell, for going above and beyond to consistently support the Early Chamber of Commerce.


Member of the Year was given to Lisa Callihan for her outstanding support of the chamber this year. The Ambassador of the Year award was presented to Jennifer Furry. Outgoing board member, Rick Newton was presented an award for his service. The Business of the Year was awarded to Cullen’s Hometown Market.


This year’s newest award, The Heritage Award, was presented to Ranger College for their long-standing presence in the community.


Newly-elected Early Chamber of Commerce Board President Jamison Russel gave closing remarks. The event was catered by Diamond R Cafe, with table decorations made by the Early ISD Ag Department, and stage decorations provided my Mike Hall with State Farm. A photo gallery of the event can be found on the Early Chamber of Commerce Facebook Page.

