
The Early Builders’ Club started their annual can food drive in November and completed it on December 12, 2012. The 8th grade brought in the most cans (415), 6th grade brought over 200 cans and 7th grade brought over a 100 cans.

This year the Early Middle School donated approximately 850 nonperishable food items to the Kiwanis. These items will be delivered to families in the community.

The Builders’ Club also held a week long toy drive. Students brought in approximately 30 toys. The New Beginnings Church picked them up on Friday, December 14th, 2012.  They were delivered to children the night of Saturday, December 15th.

Pictured with toys at top, Front Row L-RJenna Whitehead, Alaine Conney, Chris Ingram, Courtney Eure, Ryan Hill. Back Row L-R – Valerie Womack, Pattimae Meeks, Emily Rodriguez


Eric Diehl, Zachary Burleson, Kortney Moore, Sean King, Inayat Kang, Kinzie O’Conner, Kylar Mercer, Drew Sessler, Tyler Thompson, Tyler Kirkland, Tre’Hernandez, Benjamin Moore, Alicai Salazar