
Early and Bangs schools worked together Friday night to raise funds for local cancer patients in their Pink Out football game.  The teams worked with one goal, selling pink t-shirts before the game that represented both schools.  The proceeds from the sales were donated to the Walker Cancer Center at Brownwood Regional Medical Center.

At halftime, drill team members and cheerleaders from both teams presented a check for $8427 to be donated to the Walker Cancer Center.

Fans and students alike sported pink shirts and other fashion accessories at the game and the pep rally in support of the occasion.

Pictured above is the presentation of the check by students from both schools.  Below are more photos from the game and pep rally.   Pep Rally photos contributed by Miranda Benefield.


Students from Bangs and Early High Schools come together to raise funds for cancer patients.


Tracy Carrier spoke to the students regarding her personal battle with breast cancer.


The band and other students support the cause by wearing pink.

