TexasAMLogoAggies from around the globe will gather to “Muster” on the evening of April 21st and our Brown County Aggies are no exception.  They will be gathering to “eat a little” and share those days gone by at Texas A&M.  This usually includes an inspiring presentation by a fellow aggie and this year is no exception.  Cliff Dugosh ’86, a Texas native of San Antonio, has spoken to thousands of individuals throughout Texas and several states in the past twenty years.  Having done over 800 speeches with audiences that have ranged from third graders to corporate executives, Cliff has spoken all over Texas and has also delivered speeches in Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Nashville, Kansas City, Denver and numerous other cities .

Cliff has a bachelor’s degree in health education and a master’s degree in adult education from Texas A&M University.   Very active in leadership circles at A&M, Cliff was one of twenty seniors out of a class of 6,500 to receive the Buck Weirus Spirit Award for outstanding leadership contributions to the student life program.  He was also named the Phi Delta Kappa Outstanding Senior in the Department of Health and Physical Education.

From 1999-2006, Cliff served as the assistant director for leadership training and development for Texas A&M’s Memorial Student Center.  In this capacity he worked with Texas A&M’s top student leaders. He served on the Who’s Who Selection Committee for seven years, was a member of the Mentors organization, and in 2000 was selected as a Fish Camp namesake. Cliff has spoken at 22 Muster ceremonies and to over 70 Aggie Mom’s and A&M Clubs.

Mr. Dugosh’s presentation will be followed by the special “Roll Call” ceremony where the Aggies that have become deceased in the past year will be honored.  The Muster will be held at Mi Familia Restaurant in Early at 6:30 pm.  All Aggies are encouraged to attend.