RLSmithThe family of Robert Leonard Smith, including his wife, Ethelyn Hughes Smith, his son, Robert Leonard Smith, Jr., his daughter, Judy Smith George, his two grandsons, John Graham and Jeffery Thomas Bynum wish to announce his home-going on September 29, 2014, and to pay tribute to the exemplary life he lived before them.

He was born to Leonard and Jewel Horton Smith on December 23, 1024 in San Antonio, Texas.  He has outlived both of his brothers, Bill F, and Jean A. Smith but is survived by four nieces and their families.  He also has two nephews and two nieces on the Hughes side of our family who are equally close to their “Uncle Bob.”

The family would also like to mention the wonderful friends he had in his former churches.  They include his two student pastorates, which no longer exist.  They were Pleasant Valley Baptist Church of Olney, TX, Red Top Baptist Church, Graham, TX.  His other pastorates include First Baptist Church, Crossett, AR. This was his first church after graduating from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1953.  Others were First Baptist Church of Pine Bluff, AR. Here his church was the 2nd church in the US whose services were broadcast on television, First Baptist Church of Houston, TX. where his weekly TV show, “The Art of Living” , was widely viewed and received high ratings on station KHOU.  His last full time pastorate was in Pompano Beach, FL.  At the time he left, his church had become the second fastest growing Sunday School in FL.

In 1984 he was called by Howard Payne University to become Distinguished Professor of Preaching.  Later he was also Dean of the School of Christian Studies as well as continuing his teaching responsibilities.  He flunked retirement three times and became adjunct professor and Dean Emeritus of the School of Christianity.

He served many churches in this area on the weekends.  They include First Baptist Church of Early, Coggin Avenue Baptist Church of Brownwood, Salt Creek Baptist Church, Rocky Creek Baptist, Calvary Baptist Church, Jones Chapel Baptist Church, First Baptist Church of Brady, First Baptist Church of Santa Anna, First Baptist Church of Cross Plains, and First Baptist Church of Richland Springs. Many of these were repeat assignments.  He always tried to keep his assignments close to home for family reasons.

Dr. Smith’s final earthly assignment, and one he treasured, was his Bible Class at First Baptist Church of Brownwood. He taught there for over five years.  A tragic accident from a cut artery caused him to almost bleed to death.  This trauma brought on immediate Alzheimer’s.  This class, now named Butler Bible Class, has ministered constantly to him and his family during this difficult time, for which we will always be grateful.

We must not leave out two of the other loves of Bob’s life.  One was his love for flying which was his ambition as a child.  He attained that desire as a B29 pilot in WWII.  The second love was art.  He became a commercial artist before he was called to be a preacher.  He combined the two callings.  He preached and also did “Sermons in Art” which were illustrated Bible messages.  He used them in his own church monthly where they always packed the house, on TV, and in many foreign countries, sponsored by the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.  He has published two books on “Successful Chalk Talking.”   They have been used as text books and in his courses at Mission Orientation Classes for the SBC for many years, with classes at HPU, and in seminars in many places.

Although he called Trinity University of San Antonio, Centenary College and Southwestern Institute of Art in Shreveport, LA, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary his alma maters, plus several more where he served on boards, Howard Payne University won his heart.  After seeing students drop out for lack of funds, he began a scholarship fund for ministerial students to help provide for that special group.  The recipients have been a real source of joy for him.  Bob was a member of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity and Ethelyn was a Kappa Sig Sweetheart.  The fraternity was dear to them both, and was something they were able to take part in together.  Bob was also a member of the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs.  Among the many distinguished honors already mentioned; he was listed among the Who’s Who in the State of Texas, the Who’s Who in the United States, and the Who’s Who in the World.

Bob lost most of his eyesight during his last few years and he could neither preach nor paint.  His constant prayer during those last days was that God would give him something else to do for Him.  Also he would ask to take him on to heaven to see Jesus.  He has now received his next assignment AND he has seen his Lord face to face!   That prayer has been answered and for that his family and friends are rejoicing with him!