Lilly_PaulIt is with great honor and enthusiasm that today on this most hallowed day, Sept. 11, 2015; I formally announce my candidacy for the office of Brown County Sheriff. As a life-long Republican, I am asking for your support and your vote on March 1, 2016 to become the Brown County Republican Party’s nominee to be your next sheriff. This is a decision that I have come to after much prayer and visitation with so many of you, the residents of Brown County. As many of you know, I had intended to make this announcement two weeks ago but chose rather to delay my announcement after learning of the unfortunate illness that overtook Sheriff Grubbs. I delayed my announcement because I felt that it was a time for prayers and honor rather than politics. While we will never be able to fill the gap left with the passing of Sheriff Grubbs, I have no doubt that he would advise us to carry on with our duties and public service. As a sign of my sincere respect and admiration for our late Sheriff, I have also, as I announced earlier, withdrawn my political booth at the upcoming Brownwood Reunion/Feels Like Home Celebration. It simply felt like the right and honorable thing to do.

I have dedicated my entire life to public service, first dawning a uniform in 1985 at age 16 when I began volunteering as a Police Cadet for the Dallas Police Dept. and carrying on in public service to this day. It has been the greatest honor to be able to serve the people of The State of Texas and the United States of America and it is with this continued desire to serve that I now seek the opportunity to serve you as Sheriff of Brown County. As most of you know, I take an entirely new and progressive approach to public safety and law enforcement, one in which we turn the tables on the criminals for a change and make them fear us and the law for a change, rather than the reverse. My vision for our county is one of a new direction involving many fresh ideas including the formal implementation of much needed and highly successful Dedicated Community Oriented Policing Program, which involves the building of trust and partnerships that will bring us all closer together where we can work hand-in-hand to make the communities and neighborhoods we call home, much safer places to live, work, and raise our children. By working together we can and we will bring a new era to every city, community, and neighborhood in our county. We will restore that feeling of safety that we knew in days past and we will give our children, our grandchildren and our entire families the safety they deserve. You above all others know full-well how hard you have worked to achieve the life that you have and to be able to provide for your families as you do. You have worked very hard for what you have and we will work together to make sure that you need not fear criminals trying to take from you what is rightly yours. In my opinion it is the criminals’ turn to be afraid, for with your support, we will make certain that their days are numbered here in Brown County.

I have more than 25 years of experience in law enforcement and as you will see below, I am very experienced at fighting every type of crime and criminal. I will use all of my skills as a Law Enforcement Leader, Forensic Psychologist, and as a real-life Criminal Profiler to protect you, your family, and your property. For these reasons I ask for your support and for your vote, and give you my most solemn word that if we are victorious on March 1, 2016, better and safer days are ahead for every community, every neighborhood, and every family.

Most Sincerely and Respectfully Yours,

Dr. Paul Lilly

Professional Profile

Leadership and Major Accomplishments – I have the honor now of possessing over 25 years of service in the Criminal Justice profession with more than 19 years at the rank of Chief of Police. Further, I also possess more than 20 years of experience and service as both a State and Federal Government Criminal Justice Advisor, Consultant, and Special Officer. Finally I also have had the privilege of teaching at the collegiate level since 1993, serving as a full-time Professor and University Police Chief since 2011.

I am honored to be able to state that back in the mid 1990s I was one of the very first Police Chiefs/Administrators to formally adopt the science of Community Oriented and Geographic-Specific Policing, as well as Specialized Environment – Community Policing (Schools, Universities, Hospitals, etc.). Further, I am honored to be able to state that now as a criminal psychologist, I am one of the first Law Enforcement Administrators who have taken this same philosophy of joint police and community cooperation and introduced it into the investigative and forensic fields, thus yielding remarkable results.

Major Duties of the past 20 Years and Today

From 1993 until 2009 I have served in multiple capacities, often simultaneously as each are directly linked. Today’s law enforcement administrator must be able to multitask and excel in more than the traditional roles of the days past.

From 1995 to 2009 I primarily served as a “Reconstructionist” and/or a “Special Problems” Chief of Police, one who is brought into an agency by city, county, university, and special districts to investigate and address major rising crime rates and the need to reconnect law enforcement with the communities they serve. As needed I also addressed major and minor internal corruption, low morale, poor training, and the need for a new vision in leadership among public safety agencies. In this capacity I have served over 15 law enforcement agencies at the state and federal level and even represented the United States internationally. During these term appointments I have directly managed budgets as large as 15 million dollars annually and indirectly aided in the management of budgets exceeding 300 million dollars annually. I have also directly commanded more than 200 law enforcement and public safety personnel and indirectly supervised over 19,000 personnel.


I have enjoyed the passion of life-long learning and have attended and graduated from more than 6,000 hours of law enforcement training courses and have as well been conferred the following formal educational degrees.

Doctor of Psychology     (Psy.D)

University of the Rockies

Emphasis of Study:     Forensic Psychology, Criminology, and Justice Studies – 2014

Colorado Springs, CO

Master of Science Degree      (MSCJ) Texas State University

Criminal Justice and Political Science 2002

San Marcos, Texas

Bachelor of Science Degree    (B.S.)

Texas Wesleyan University

Political Science (Governmental Personnel Management) and Law 1994

Fort Worth, Texas

Texas Law Enforcement Leadership and Command College    (LCC)

Graduate, Class #34

Sam Houston State University 1999

Huntsville, Texas

State licenses and certifications

I am honored to hold virtually all of the law enforcement related licenses issued by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, including the following:


Master Peace Officer (Highest Licenses Issued by the State of Texas)         State of Texas

Advanced Public Safety Classroom Instructor                                             State of Texas

Advanced Law Enforcement/Corrections Firearms Instructor and Sniper        State of Texas

Advanced Public Safety Telecommunications/911 Instructor                         State of Texas

Advanced Corrections – Detention Officer/Jailer and Instructor                       State of Texas

ALICE School Safety Response Instructor                                                  State of Texas