TexasDPS_logoThe Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) will increase DWI patrols for a nine-day period that includes July 4th. From June 30 – July 8, DPS troopers will focus DWI patrols in high-risk locations at times when alcohol-related crashes are most frequent.

“Plan ahead. If you are drinking, make sure you have a designated driver or some other form of transportation,” said DPS Director Steven McCraw. “Otherwise, you could be making a very expensive or even fatal mistake.”

The enhanced patrols that target impaired driving are funded through a grant from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). DPS troopers made 1,406 DWI arrests during the July 4th enforcement effort last year, and 575 of those arrests were a direct result of the increased patrols. Last year, during this time period, DPS enforcement also resulted in nearly 18,000 speeding citations, 3,390 seat belt/child safety seat citations, 920 fugitive arrests, and 656 felony arrests.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that the July 4th holiday ranks No. 1 nationally for alcohol-related fatal crashes. According to TxDOT, more than 1,000 Texans are killed each year as a result of impaired drivers, and Texas is frequently ranked as the nation’s deadliest for impaired driving deaths.

“The goal of our enforcement effort is to save lives and make travelling in Texas safer for residents and visitors during the July 4th holiday,” said McCraw.