The anniversary of Roe v Wade is us upon America again on 1 -22-14, even as thousands of babies each day are murdered in the womb. There is a new documentary film debuting which addresses abortion. You can watch it for free beginning on 1-22-14. It is titled Babies Are Murdered Here, and can be seen at:
The single decision of seven justices in Roe v Wade continues to define federal abortion policy decades after it first invalidated 200 years of state law.
Justice Blackmun had stated in his majority opinion that, “at this point in the development of man’s knowledge… [we cannot] resolve the difficult question of when life begins.” He further stated that “if this suggestion of (fetal) personhood is established, the [case in support of legal abortion] collapses, for the fetus’ right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the (14th) Amendment.”
The problem is, Roe vs. Wade, the landmark 1973 verdict which legalized abortion in the U.S. is actually built on the claim that there’s no way to say for certain whether or not abortion kills because no one can say for certain when life begins.
However, The American Medical Association (AMA) declared as far back as 1857 (and was referenced in the Roe. vs. Wade opinion) that “the independent and actual existence of the child before birth, as a living being”Bernard Nathanson co-founded one of the most influential abortion advocacy groups in the world (NARAL) and once served as medical director for the largest abortion clinic in America wrote an article one year after Roe V Wade stating, “There is no longer serious doubt in my mind that human life exists within the womb from the very onset of pregnancy…” Some years later, he would reiterate: “There is simply no doubt that even the early embryo is a human being. All its genetic coding and all its features are indisputably human. As to being, there is no doubt that it exists, is alive, is self-directed, and is not the the same being as the mother–and is therefore a unified whole.”