photo from Facebook
Written by Amanda Coers – Doc’s Drugstores in Brownwood and Early held a lunchtime fundraiser on Friday, January 6th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for Charlotte McMillian, a ten-year employee. McMillian was involved in a four-wheeler accident on New Year’s Eve and sustained severe injuries to her face which will require multiple surgeries.
The two locations served jalapeño cheeseburgers with chips, a pickle spear and tea for $7.50 – with all proceeds going to McMillian. Both drugstore locations also accepted donations on her behalf. Before the fundraiser started, there were over 150 pre-orders. By 11 a.m. there was a line of customers, waiting to purchase the burgers in the hopes of raising money to help McMillian.
McMillian’s longtime friend, Mary Salazar, was at the fundraiser at the Brownwood Doc’s location during a live radio remote with KOXE/KBWD’s Barry Rose.
“She’s doing amazing, she’s very positive,” said Salazar during the interview as customers placed their orders.
A GoFundMe page has been set up to assist with her medical expenses. The online fundraiser has reached $9,630 of $25k goal in just four days with over 1,000 shares on Facebook. A brisket plate fundraiser is also currently being planned for Saturday, February 4th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The location has not yet been decided. For more details on upcoming fundraiser’s, see the Facebook page:
Charlotte McMillian’s Fundraiser Events.