IMG_1357Corey Wishert’s path to graduation was not an easy one.  He journeyed through seven years of foster care, wandered all over Texas, and lost almost everything, including a place to live.  Corey did not allow his path to end in homelessness and despair, but fought to steer his life toward a brighter future.

Corey was born and raised in Brownwood until he was 11  years old.  At that point, he was put into foster care.  “I was constantly having to move,” he said.  One of the worst parts about moving was making friends and loosing them.  “Everything gave up on me,” he said.

When Corey finished his junior year of high school, he was 18 years old, so he chose to move back home to Brownwood.  His grandparents live in Brownwood, as well as four friends he was able to keep in contact with through the years.

Corey lived with friends, until circumstances changed, and he was told he could no longer live there.  Not wanting to be a burden to his grandparents, Corey lived in his car.  “The whole time I was living in my car, I kept thinking, ‘why should I stay in school, what do I have left?’ ”

Eventually, Corey talked to his grandparents.  “I didn’t want them to know what was going on.  This was supposed to be my senior year, when everything is smooth and works out,” he said.  Once they were aware of his situation, his grandfather cleared out a room for Corey to live in.

Corey will be the fifth person in his family to graduate from High School.  He owes part of that accomplishment to the support he received from the staff at Brownwood High School, especially Principal Bill Faircloth. “Mr. Faircloth has helped me out throughout the year.  He told me a story about how he was living on his own, and the only place he had to live was a little room in the back of a gas station.  I know he understands me a lot and where I am coming from.”

Some of the lessons he learned at Brownwood High School were not just academic.  “I learned that anybody can become your family.  Like Mr. Faircloth has become a father figure I never had.  I consider him family.”

Mr. Faircloth spoke highly of Corey.  “Everyone has choices to make.  I think Corey is a very dedicated young man.  He never gave up.  He got motivated and defeated all odds.”

Corey plans on continuing to defeat the odds.  He intends on attending Cisco Junior College and become a Master Mechanic.

Brownwood ISD congratulates you, Corey, and wishes you the best as you begin a bright future.