JoshuaJacksonBrownwood High School graduate, Joshua Jackson, has a smile that is contagious, and his positive outlook on life has outshone tragedy.

Joshua graduated last Friday to the cheers of his teachers, friends and extended family.  Not present at the ceremony was his mother, who passed away on December 8, 2009, and his father, who passed away in 2003.

“My mom told me she wanted me to graduate from high school,” said Joshua.  “I had to keep going.”

Along with his mother’s words ringing in his mind were those of his grandfather, also deceased.  “My grandfather also really wanted me to graduate.  He grew up in tough times, and he had to quit to help his family,” recalled Joshua.

Helping Joshua reach his goal were a host of teachers and school personnel.  “They kept me on track,” said Joshua.  Some of his teachers became close friends to Joshua, attended his mother’s funeral, and checked on him regularly.

One of those teachers, was Mrs. Virgie Gerald, who would call him “Shorty,” although he stood eighteen inches taller than her.  “I’ve known Josh since he was in my class his freshman year. He was the student who was willing to help to others, a great student,” said Mrs. Gerald.  “Joshua always had a smile, which is really indicative of his approach to life. He had a positive attitude,  and never gave up, even though I know it must have been hard at times.”

After his mother died, Joshua said there were times when he didn’t feel like going to school, but he never considered quitting. “It wasn’t an option,” he said.  “School helped keep my mind straight so I could keep on,” he said.

Joshua’s advise to other students is, “Cherish your parents as long as you have them.  Try not to argue, and do what they say.  Also, graduate from high school.”

Joshua lives with his aunt, Carol Weatherman, and looks to attend Ranger College or TSTC in Brownwood.  He is interested in coaching and helping kids.

Mrs. Gerald said it well, “I’m really proud that Joshua is graduating. I know his mother would be proud of him, too.”