CityofBrownwoodlogo_smallThe Brownwood Parks & Recreation Advisory Board met this afternoon in its regular monthly meeting with a review of several projects and programs.

The board discussed the upcoming Coliseum Annex, Family Aquatic Facility, and Sports Complex projects that are currently being developed.

-Parks & Recreation/Facilities Manager David Withers explained that the plans for the annex are 95% complete and the city council is scheduling at its regular meeting on Tuesday to approve the opening of bids for the project on October 8th.  The city has about $1 million allocated for this project at this time.  The tentative completion date for this project is April 1st, 2010.

-The Family Aquatic Facility plans are also about 95% complete with the same tentative bid timeline as the annex project. There is currently $2 million marked for this project, but the city has applied for an additional $500,000 grant.  If awarded the grant money will be split evenly between the Aquatic Facility and the Sports Complex.  Expected cost of the Family Aquatic Facility is $2.2 million with a tentative completion date of May 29th, 2010.

-Plans for the proposed Sports Complex are still under development.  There is currently $3.5 million allotted for this project with a possible $250,000 extra expected to be added if the above grant is approved.  The project is currently estimated to cost $5.3 million so the city is looking for ways to cut back these costs which is delaying plans on this project a bit.

Other reports discussed at this meeting include:

-Renovations on restrooms at Festival Park are going to begin next Thursday.  The renovations are expected to cost $10,400 with 70% going to add sewer lines and some cost for a new roof and fixtures.  The restrooms were built 4-5 years ago, but were unable to be connected to the sewer system due to the hight of the sewer lines. Funds were recently allotted to add the more than 1000 yards of sewer lines to make the restrooms usable.  The project will take several weeks to complete.

-David Withers reviewed summer activities and stated after Saturday both the Camp Bowie Pool and the Wiggins Pool will close for the season.

He also discussed the upcoming Punt, Pass, and Kick program coming August 15th to Coggin Park.  This is sponsored by the NFL and Pepsi.  One participant in each division will go to the regional competition.

-Other departmental reports were reviewed before adjournment.