Derrick Christian Gastinger of Early will graduate from A&M University at College Station in the Commencement ceremony held at Reed Arena, May 10, 2013. Dr. R. Bowen Loftin, President of Texas A&M will preside for the graduates’ bachelor’s degree in Construction Science from A&M’s School of Architecture.
Throughout his course of studies at A&M, Gastinger participated in intramural sports and served as a coach for the City of Bryan Parks Department. Derrick led a team of six A&M Architecture students to compete against top universities at The Construction Association Education and Research Foundation 18th Annual ASC/TEXO Student Competition in Dallas, winning first in the Heavy Civil Division. Derrick partnered with Brazos Valley Affordable Housing Corporation to serve his Aggie community hands on.
Texas A&M University is recognized as 2nd in the US for universities from which corporations prefer to hire (Wall Street Journal). In 2011, Derrick interned for CollegeWorks Painting as the Branch Operator in Tarrant County. Derricks demanding efforts were rewarded with performance bonuses, travel and a management job offer. Gastinger worked for Webber LLC in 2012 as Project Engineer Intern on the I-35 infrastructure expansion contract. Gastinger’s leadership, academic performance and Aggie Spirit are an open gate for opportunity. The thankful A&M graduate has accepted an offer from Hoar Construction, LLC as a Project Engineer in Houston starting in June.