browncountyhealthcenterThe Brownwood/Brown County Health Department made the following announcement Wednesday.

In response to cuts in funding for vaccines and immunization programs, both on the federal and state level, the Department of State Health Services has made policy changes to both the Texas Vaccines for Children and Adult Safety Net immunization programs. The changes are as follows:

Adult Safety Net (ASN):

1.  Through January 31, 2012 the meningococcal vaccine (MCV4) will be available to any adults ages 19-55 who are entering college, regardless of insurance status. This change in policy is in response to the new State of Texas requirements that certain entering college students present proof of receiving the MCV4 vaccine within the last 5 years. Persons with immune deficiencies or persons who live in or travel to countries with high prevalence of meningococcal disease may also get the MCV4. Any persons who do not fall into these categories will have to get the vaccine from their medical provider. After January 31, 2012 the MCV4 vaccine under the ASN program will no longer be available from the local health department.

2.  Effective January 1, 2012, adult vaccines available at the local ASN site will include only hepatitis B, measles/mumps/rubella (MMR), tetanus/diphtheria/acellular pertussis (Tdap), and tetanus/diphtheria (Td). Hepatitis A, varicella, human papillomavirus (HPV), and hepatitis A/B (combination vaccine) can be given by ASN sites under the old policy until their current stock is exhausted and then will no longer be available. The shingles vaccine (Zoster) is not available at this time.

Texas Vaccines for Children (TVFC):

Children, birth through age 18, who have private insurance which covers vaccines will no longer be eligible for low-cost TVFC vaccines, but will be referred to their private provider for immunizations. At least one of the following criteria must be met in order for the child to qualify to receive TVFC vaccine from any TVFC provider:

  1. Child must be Medicaid eligible.
  2. The child is not covered under any insurance plan.
  3. The child is American Indian or Alaskan Native.
  4. The child is underinsured-has private insurance, but coverage does not include vaccines; insurance covers only select vaccines, in which case the child is eligible to receive TVFC vaccine only for the non-covered vaccines; insurance caps vaccine coverage at a certain amount. Once that amount is reached, the child is considered underinsured.
  5. Child is enrolled in CHIP.

 Any questions regarding the above policy changes involving the TVFC and ASN immunization programs may be addressed to the Brownwood/Brown County Health Department at 325-646-0554.