
Brown County Commissioners voted to approve demolition of the Daniell Motor Building in order to proceed with the $5.799 million contract with McKinstry  to improve county buildings including the Brown County Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Agricultural Extension Office.  McKinstry is a consulting, construction, energy, and facility service.

The contract focuses on the project goal of making improvements which leverage energy and operational savings that could possibly pay for themselves through efficiency with upgrades and retrofits.

The first phase of the project was approved in a 3-1 vote on July 14, 2015 with Commissioner Joel Kelton voting against the project and Commissioners Larry Traweek and Wayne Shaw along with County Judge Ray West voting in favor of the project.

Kelton continued his opposition to the project by voting against the Daniell Motor building’s demolition.

The second proposed phase of the project includes the demolition of old Daniell Motors building across from the courthouse and construction of a 4000 square foot adjunct building to house the county treasurer’s office as well as the elections administration office.  The construction of this building is an estimated cost of $800,000 to $1.3 million.

At the July meeting of the court, McKinstrey representative Justin Surratt explained the demolition and construction possibilities.

“In the ESP (Energy Savings Performance Contract), we’re going to take it down (the Daniell building) to the foundation.  Once the design contract is approved for the new build, we will ascertain the quality of that existing foundation to be used for parking, potential structural, for whatever we can use it for, there is potential that would be the demo that would be included in that $800,000 to $1.3 million of the new build,” explained Surratt.

Pictured above is the Daniell Motor Building.