
The Brownwood Area Fellowship of Christian Athletes announces a new, annual award for Brownwood media personalities that carry and share a love of Jesus Christ and His Gospel through their work in radio, television, newspaper, internet and any other means of mass communication. The award will be called the Dallas Huston, Christ in the Media Award and is named after the voice of the Brownwood Lions and the Howard Payne Yellow Jackets and longtime Brownwood radio personality, Dallas Huston, who will also be the first recipient of the award. However, it is for his love and sincere sharing of Jesus Christ that this award has Dallas’ name on it.

Dallas became a Christian in 1988 and began preaching and leading revivals in 1997. He has been the pastor of Center City Baptist Church since 2008 and hosts a Christian Sports Show on KOXE and a weekly Men’s Bible Study in Brownwood. Dallas has influenced many for Christ since coming to faith including other local media personalities.


Dallas’ media career has spanned 6 decades and began in at KBWD. He has subsequently worked at KOXE, KXYL, and KPSM announcing Brownwood High School games and Howard Payne University athletic events. Dallas was named the best high school sportscaster in Texas in 1999 by the Texas Monthly Magazine. He has also accumulated these honors:

  • 4 time Sportscaster of the Year by the Lone Star Conference
  • Named Sportscaster of the year by the American Southwest Conference
  • Twice honored by the Texas High School Coaches Association
  • Inducted into the HPU Sports hall of Fame in 1998 and honored with 50 year Letterman Award in 2013.
  • Inducted into the Big Country Athletic Hall of Fame in 2007
  • Inducted into the Gordon Wood Hall of Champions in 2013

Dallas received the Howard Payne University Alumni Medal of Service and was presented an honorary “Doctor of Humanities” degree from HPU in 2008.

It is the hope and desire of the Brownwood Area FCA to see media personalities who have the same love for Jesus Christ and carry that love into their work in mass communications and who encourage future generations to follow Col. 3:17 in their vocation:

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Col. 3:17 ESV

The award will be presented annually during the FCA All Star Festival basketball games held in Brownwood each June.

In coordination with the Dallas Huston Christ in the Media Award, Brownwood Area FCA wishes to announce area distinguished media who have supported the Brownwood Area Fellowship of Christian Athletes while honoring Christ with their work in the media. These individuals will receive a certificate of recognition for their efforts to serve Jesus Christ in their media work.  Distinguished Media for 2015 will include Carl Wayne with KOXE and Christian McDaniel with KPSM.

This year’s FCA All Star basketball games will be held at the Brownwood Coliseum on Thursday, June 11.

Pictured above are Dallas and Linda Huston.