Press Release – Cross Classical Academy students recently earned 1st place at the TCEA (Texas Computer Educators Association) Area 15 Robotics competition held in Ballinger, Texas. CCA competed against 70 teams from the area. The winning team, Wreck ‘Em, is comprised of two logic students in grade 7, Harrison Davis and Matthew Till.
The teams placement earned them an invitation to the state competition to be held in April. The CCA team will compete with 1st and 2nd place teams from each of the 20 areas of Texas. They will now work to improve their programing of the robot.

CCA students Mathew Till and Harrison Davis work on their winning robot with Coach Keith Taylor.
“These students have put in many hours to build and program their robots to autonomously complete the 5 tasks required for the competition. They work well with each other and push each other to do better each week. This a great group of young people and it is my pleasure to work with each of them” Keith Taylor, CCA Robotics teacher said.
Robotics teams design a robot and then program the robot to maneuver through various tasks in order to complete the challenge within a two minute time period.
Cross Classical Academy is a Christian, Classical, University-Model School® in Brownwood, TX. The purpose of Cross Classical Academy is to invest in the Kingdom of God by partnering with parents as they raise a generation to love the Lord with their whole heart and to be Christ-like leaders in their homes, churches, communities and the world.