
Cross Classical Academy Logic students saw the results of hard work in the recent placement of a Gaga Ball Pit for the campus community to enjoy. Supplies for the Gaga Ball Pit were purchased from funds the students raised and CCA dads donated their time to build the pit.

Logic students in grades 5-7 were given a class assignment in the fall semester to devise a business plan and execute their ideas.  According to Logic teacher Sunshine Managan, “Students were to develop an entrepreneurial business plan, allotted a set amount of money to start their business and executed the sale of their products at Grandparents’ Day hosted by CCA in the fall.”

Managan said the goal of the project was to “give student’s hands-on experience with budgeting and accounting in a real-world scenario.”

Following the income from Grandparents’ Day, students then assessed their outcomes.  After donating a portion of the proceeds to a local charity, students then collectively selected a campus improvement project and presented their goal to the school board and school land owners.

Stephanie Davis, CCA administrator, says, “Watching these students from the start of the math market assignment to the completion of Gaga Ball Pit has been inspiring. The goal of the assignment was not only educational, but also character developing. Sunshine Managan our Logic level teacher facilitated this project exceptionally well. The entire school benefited from these students’ example of determination, diligence and overall hard work.”

Logic student Jax Managan said, “The whole process required a lot of work and patience, but it was fun as well. I thank the Lord for giving us the opportunity to raise funds for a Gaga Ball Pit, something our whole class has dreamed of for a while. I find it awesome to be able to glance out at the PE lot, and see one of the many blessings that God has bestowed upon me, my family, my class, and school.”

According to, the purpose of a Gaga Ball Pit is to, “act as the boundary for the game.  It is usually a series of straight borders configured in a hexagon, octagon or larger shape.” The game of Gaga Ball is played by hitting the ball with a player’s hand toward a competitor inside the pit.  The object is stay in the game by not being touched by the ball. describes the benefits of the game as “incorporating agility, dodging, jumping and striking. This provides great exercise, as players must continually move to avoid being hit by the ball.”

Pictured above:  CCA students enjoy playing a game of Gaga Ball in their newly constructed Gaga Ball Pit.  Below is a photo of CCA students Jax Managan and Harrison Davis as they helped build the school Gaga Ball Pit one afternoon.
