
Brown County Commissioners proclaimed May as Foster Care Appreciation Month at Monday Commissioner’s Court.

The proclamation states that there are 110 children and youth in foster care provided with safe, secure and stable homes.

It also states that there are numerous individuals, public and private organizations who work to increase public awareness of the needs of children in and leaving foster care as well as the enduring and valuable contributions of foster parents.

Sherry Clark of the Brown County Child Welfare Board informed the court that Brown County has 93 foster families and 27 children who are waiting for adoption.

Members of the Brown County Child Welfare Board present for the signing of the proclamation include (from left to right) Kay Wilson, Benita Pipes, Susan Gilger, Cheryl Nelson, Sherry Clark, Kitty Cavanaugh and Precinct 1 Commissioner Bob Clark, Precinct 2 Commissioner Joel Kelton, Precinct 4 Commissioner Larry Traweek and Precinct 3 Commissioner Richard Gist.