Brownwood News – Brown County Judge, Dr. Paul Lilly, on Tuesday, September 24, issued a written directive to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation into possible breaches of contractual services between Life Guard Ambulance and Brown County.  Judge Lilly has tasked Chief David Creed, Brown County Coordinator of Emergency Management, to conduct the investigation.

According to the news release, Judge Lilly is adamant that “citizens of Brown County shall have four MICU (Mobile Intensive Care Unit) ambulances available at all times.”  The objective is to have the facts available for the Ambulance Board Meeting scheduled for October 24, 2019 so that a decision can be made with recommendations for the Commissioners Court and the municipalities affected to consider.  “I want to ensure that taxpayers are getting what they pay for.  When they dial 911, there must be an ambulance available to respond in a timely manner,” Lilly said.

The directive is shown below.


Chief Creed,
You are hereby directed to conduct a full, thorough, and complete investigation into the possible Breach(s) of Service(s) contractually obligated between Life Guard Ambulance Service and the County of Brown. You are to make no recommendations, but rather present only a Findings of Fact(s). Please make note of the following requests for Findings of Fact within the investigation:

1. Minimally obligated Ambulance/EMS services provided per day (24-hour cycle)
2. Compliance with minimum contractually obligated services beginning Jan 1, 2019 to date (coverage reports on 24-hour basis)
3. BLS (Basic Life Support) v. ALS (Advanced Life Support) coverage and MICU services as per contract
4. Days where more than the absolute minimally required staffing were provided
5. Staffing allocations and methods used to recruit and maintain qualified personnel
6. Final determination(s) of above referenced Findings of Fact(s) and any additional facts determined to be pertinent to the issue at hand.

You are directed to provide to this office, as soon as practical, a full, complete, and final report of the Investigation/Findings of Fact. Your report will be referenced by this office and as well provided to and possibly referenced by the Brown County Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board for possible future recommended action. This report shall also be deemed a matter of public record.
Issued this 24th day of Sept. 2019.

Dr. Paul D. Lilly
County Judge & Statutory Director of Emergency Management County of Brown
State of Texas