commissionercourtarticlepicThe Brown County Commissioners Court held its regular weekly meeting today ending with the first of two public hearings on the tax rate.

To start things off this morning, Robert Porter, from Porter Insurance presented a detailed proposal to the county for property and casualty insurance.  Porter presented four possible options to the county, but recommended one specific policy though Travelers Insurance which would have a much lower deductible that the other options.

Under this proposal, the yearly premium would cost the county $232,080 and cover items such as buildings, liability, employee dishonesty, auto, and workman’s comp, just to name a few.

The county will review the insurance and compare it with their current policy before they make a decision.  The insurance policy follows the county’s fiscal year and would have to take effect October 1st.

Brown County also held its first hearing regarding the 2009 property tax rate.  Last year’s tax rate of .5227 per $100 of valuation is not going to change, but since the total value of property in the county increased, public hearings are required to meet state law requirements regarding the effective tax rate considering these value increases.

Although no one spoke regarding the rate itself, Mr. J V Hall of Lake Brownwood asked if the county could consider not including the road & flood tax discounts in with Ag exceptions.  This way, the residents actually using the county roads would have more of a stake in the roads they use instead of residents living in the city.

County Judge Ray West said that although that was a good idea, he did not believe that legally the agricultural exemption and the road and flood could be separated.

A second required public hearing regarding the tax rate will be held this Friday, September 18th at 9am.

In other county business:

-The County Extension office received approval of a new employee, Misty Petty.

-County Clerk, Sharon Ferguson received approval for a new 60 month lease for a copy machine.

-Kitty Cavanaugh of the Child Welfare Board received approval of four new board members.  Sherry Clark, Paul Gahlan, and Elizabeth Wells, will be returning members, and Nan Rodriquez is a new replacement member.  There is currently one vacant spot on the board.

-Commissioner Steve Adams received approval for a replacement employee.

-A water line installation application was approved on David Street.

-Commissioners also approved a tax resale deed to Kathy H. Wells for two lots in Thunderbird bay for $1350 each.

-District Judge Steve Ellis’ request for a replacement emplyee was moved to the next meeting this Friday.