commissionercourtarticlepicAfter much needed rains, things have “greened up” around Brown County giving commissioners a reason to lift the current burn ban during commissioner’s court Monday morning.  The ban lifting is effective immediately. 

“With the good rain we have had, I’m afraid with as green as places are now if we don’t get some brush piles burned, we’re going to have a longer burn ban next time,” stated commissioner Larry Traweek.

“I think it will be safe for a little while,” stated Commissioner Richard Gist.

A unanimous vote with little discussion on the matter resulted in the suspension for the burn ban until another ban becomes necessary.

In other matters on the agenda:

*Constable Bob Beadel spoke to the court regarding changing and “cleaning up” the schedule of Sheriff and Constable Fees.   Most of the items on the list were being changed in order to make a consistency between fees throughout the schedule between both organizations.  These changes were unanimously approved. 

*Commissioners approved having a Freedom Rally at the Brown County courthouse on Saturday, October the 2 from 10:00-11:30.  This event will follow the county policy and not be longer than 90 minutes and will be held on the north porch of the courthouse (located at the back of the courthouse).

*Application of a private low pressure natural gas line installed along CR 436 was approved.  The line will run inside of private property lines until it reaches one residence which did not agree to have it pass through their property lines, it will then be routed into the right of way.   The line’s total length is 4/10 of a mile.

*Shirley Keyes of the county election office came before the court to seek approval of repairs to a county vehicle.  The vehicle is a Ford 350 pickup that is used to haul voting booths and machines to all the precincts during the election season.  A bid totaling $906 for a basic tune up, oil change, transmission servicing and repair of motor mount & bolts was approved.

*A new postage machine was approved for the court house, based on County Auditor Nina Cox’s recommendation to have a new DMC475 WOW installed which would be $324.57/month rather than the current postal machine that is under a currently expired lease that ran $332/month.  The new machine is more time efficient as it weighs pieces as it puts postage on it and the machine has the capability to scan and produce electronic confirmation of certified mail (saving $1.25/piece of certified mail).  The entire courthouse has use of this machine.

The next regular meeting of the Commissioner’s Court will be held on October 4, 2010 at 9:00am.