Joe Cooksey, Republican candidate for County Judge, held a town hall meeting Thursday night at the Adams Street Community Center telling the approximately 70 people in attendance that he is “raising questions” about certain activities regarding the current county government.

A large portion of Cooksey’s presentation was related to accounting practices of the county.  He alleges problems with the county’s accounting of money to and from certain accounts.  Cooksey said that it is difficult for him to track were money goes when looking through county records.

After showing several examples Cooksey said, “We need a CPA running our auditor’s office.”

In another issue, Cooksey said that on November 16th, the Brown County Commissioners Court met in regular session to discuss a letter of intent the county made for the possible purchase of the Bank of America building on Center Avenue.  According to Cooksey, a discussion and possible vote took place during a reports section of a commissioners meeting and not posted as an agenda item.

“This was their $450,000 secret plan to buy a building,” Cooksey said.

Cooksey went on to say that there is no mention of this letter of intent in the minutes of this meeting, but the discussion was documented by the county in their audio records.

Regarding another issue, Cooksey claims that West is under investigation by the Commission on Judicial Conduct for some alleged statements that he made recently.

Cooksey also alleged issues with repair payments on personal property by the county, problems with pre-trial diversion payments, and possible issues with West’s election petition.

Cooksey concluded his approximately 90 minute presentation saying, “There is a cure, it is March 2nd.”  He urged those in attendance to visit his website at

Cooksey is one of three Republican candidates for Brown County Judge.   The other candidates include incumbent E. Ray West, III and Lewis Lehman.

Early voting in the primary runs from February 16th until February 26th.

The Brown County Republican Women will be holding the next forum for candidates running as Republicans for county offices.  Both Joe Cooksey and Ray West have confirmed that they will be in attendance at the event on February 10th – 7pm at the Adams Street Community Center.