At a town hall meeting in Midland on May 1, Congressman Conaway said he wasn’t disillusioned by what was going on in Washington, he’d just learned to temper his expectations and rely on a process that has guided America for more than 230 years.
What a sad commentary. Mr. Conaway has his head in the sand. Our way of life in under siege on several fronts: political, economic and social, and he’s relying on the process that got us there to get us out. I’m not sure if that laziness or insanity. I do know it won’t be successful.
Temper our expectations? That sounds like Jimmy Carter. It certainly doesn’t epitomize the kind of take-charge American that has brought us through more than 230 years of struggle.
Rely on the process? A leader is the master of the process, not its servant. It’s a lot easier to follow than it is to lead. The voters of Texas District 11 chose Mike Conaway to single-handedly represent them in the U.S. Congress. West Texas deserves better than a Casper Milquetoast as its voice in those hallowed halls. It’s time to replace Conaway.
Chris Younts is running in the May 29th Republican primary against Conaway. Chris is a small businessman who understands you have to be aggressive to get ahead. He knows what has to be done to get us out of the economic quagmire the Washington establishment has put us in. He’ll fight for change. He won’t compromise his values or temper his expectations. If America is to survive we need the kind of bold leadership Chris Younts can provide. Vote for Chris Younts on May 29th.
Judith “Ski” Lower, Water Valley, TX