BobContrerasRobert W. (Bob) Contreras, Co-Chairman of the Brownwood Community Resource Coordination Group (CRCG) and Vice-Chair of the Brownwood Children’s Advisory Committee, has been appointed by the Education Service Center (ESC), Region 15, Board of Directors, to fill the vacated position on the Board of Directors in Place 1, which includes all school districts in Brown, Coleman, San Saba and McCulloch counties.

Region 15 Education Service Center is one of twenty service centers in the state of Texas.  It serves public and charter schools in 18 counties, extending more than 25,000 square miles.  Education Service Centers are non-regulatory agencies and serve as a liaison between the Texas Education Agency and schools in improving student performance, operating efficiently and economically, and implementing initiatives assigned by the Texas legislature or the Commissioner of Education.

The ESC Region 15 mission states, “Education Service Center Region 15 is dedicated to excellence in education through leadership, partnership, and service,” we strive to provide the best possible services to our districts and to work as a “team” in improving education in our region.  Our current theme is “How Can We Be Part of the Solution?” With the financial reductions schools are dealing with across the state, we are committed to maintaining low pricing for programs and services, yet offer the best “bang for the buck” that district funds can purchase.

Mr. Contreras’ term runs through May 31, 2016. He states, “I am honored to work with Region 15. I especially appreciate the trust and confidence that the board and Mr. Goen, Executive Director, have placed in me. Being part of ensuring the finest education of our children is certainly among the most important, significant and meaningful responsibilities to which a citizen and parent can be entrusted.”