
During the spring semester 2013, the wheels started turning on a project to paint the building that houses the Latch Key program.  One board member approached McCoy’s with Hank Hunter, owner of Texas Clean, to discuss a donation of paint and painting supplies.  Once paint donations were approved, the project was off and rolling.

Hank Hunter volunteered much of his time this summer to get the painting project completed before the program started back for the fall semester.   During the summer, Hank and Jessica Hardy, director of Latch Key, discussed a few other improvements that needed to be completed to help with the appearance of the program.   In order for these additional improvement to happen, they sought additional financial assistance so that there was not financial hardship on the program to complete them.


Citizens National Bank helped fund the project with a donation.

Latch Key is an after school program for families in the Brownwood ISD with children 4 years old in pre-k through 6th grade who qualify for free or reduced lunches.  Their goal is to provide working families with the opportunity for their children to receive quality care.  Through love and understanding, children discover their own worth and develop values such as respect, honesty and fairness.  This program is available at no charge to families that qualify.

Latch key is staffed by Howard Payne University students, and the program is governed by a board of directors that is made up of 9-12 individuals from the community.  This board of directors oversee the program’s big decisions and expenses.

Latch Key is a non-profit organization that operates on donations from United Way, other local foundations as well as individual donations.

Pictured are John Guest, President of Citizens National Bank; Jessica Hardy, Director of Latch Key and Hank Hunter of Texas Clean.