willsSetzlerThe community of Early will be having a community-wide prayer for Wills Setzler who is currently undergoing cancer treatment.  The event will take place at the Early Longhorn Stadium, July 21st at 8:00 p.m.

The public is invited to come and join his friends and family as they lift up this young man in prayer as he continues his journey.

In October 2009, Setzler discovered a knot on his right lower leg.  It eventually started hurting him, keeping him awake at night.  He had his biopsy at Scott and White in Temple October 23rd, 2009 where they discovered nodules in his lungs. He was diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma a few weeks later.  He was then admitted to M.D. Anderson in Houston where he has undergone tests and treatments.

Setzler is a graduate of Early High School and a senior at Texas A&M University and plans to attend law school afterwards. He loves anything outdoors, including hunting, fishing, and all sports.

Those interested can send Wills a message at www.caringbridge.org and get updates on his progress.   Type willssetzler on the website to see his profile and leave an encouraging message for him.