Several community members have been preparing handmade and hand painted “Empty Bowls” for the upcoming Good Samaritan event on Friday, November 6. Local artists that have made and donated bowls include Kim Peterson, Liz Colglazier, Liz Maxfield, HPU students RJ Barnett and Texana Dennie, Julie Mize and her Brownwood Middle School art class, Sue Frizzell, of Coleman, and Debbie Morelock. Several of the donated bowls will be items in the silent auction.
Empty Bowls will be held at Brownwood’s Depot from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Live music will be performed throughout the day and a silent auction will also be held to raise money for hunger needs in the community. Tickets are $10 per person. For more information, contact the Good Samaritan at 643-2273 or by email at