
Christian leaders from Brown and surrounding counties are preparing for a day of prayer and fasting to take place in Brownwood from 10am-5pm on August 6th at the Brownwood Coliseum.

Brown County residents Nona Horner and Connie Howard have spearheaded the effort to organize the prayer event.  They have put a group together and have called all churches to be involved.  Gov. Rick Perry issued a proclamation last month calling for a day, Saturday, Aug. 6th “as a Day of Prayer and Fasting for our Nation to seek God’s guidance and wisdom in addressing the challenges that face our communities, states and nation.”

The Brown County pair decided to organize the local event after they heard about a larger event in Houston and thought that they could plan a similar event locally.

“God’s people have let him down, not standing up when they take God out of schools, out of their lives,” said Horner.

The event will be a come-and-go prayer event and is open to anyone who wants to participate.

“Bring your Bible and a pillow if praying on your knees,” said Howard.  “You can pray as long as you want.”

A planning meeting was held in which 30 pastors from all faiths came together according to Horner and Howard.  They said that everyone has been very supportive of the event; however they stressed that the event is not sponsored by any specific church, it is being planned by the two women who desire that it will be a community activity open to all.

“It’s been such a blessing – we have had no one say no or anything negative,” said Horner.

Brownwood Mayor Stephen Haynes read a proclamation on Friday in support of the event.

Haynes said when reading the proclamation, “I Stephen E. Haynes, Mayor of the City of Brownwood, Texas, do hereby declare August 6, 2011 as a day of prayer and fasting in the City of Brownwood and do encourage all citizens of our community to pray individually and within their houses of worship for this great city, state, and nation, in which we are blessed to live.  I do further urge the citizens of Brownwood to confess our sins and pray that He will once again bless us, both spiritually and physically.”

Horner and Howard stated that they desire to create an “awakening” for people to realize that it is necessary to do whatever it takes to save our nation and their plan is to begin with prayer.  They shared a Bible verse which inspired them to plan the event.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will heal their land.”  2 Chronicles 7:14

Howard and Horner wish for everyone who attends to know that “there is hope for America and that hope comes from heaven.”

Below is a video of Mayor Stephen Haynes’ proclamation of August 6th as a “Day of Prayer and Fasting” in the City of Brownwood.

For more information, contact Nona Horner at 325-784-7235.

Pictured above from left to right is Nona Horner, Connie Howard, and Mayor Stephen Haynes.

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