BRMCarticlepicFriends & Family of Brownwood Regional Medical Center gathered  in the crowded meeting room to celebrate 40 years of history with a reception and scrapbooks of memories.   Faces from 40 years ago to current employees gathered to celebrate the service they provide to thousands of patients today, with compassion and care.  

The evening was started with opening remarks by the CEO, Matt Maxfield who spoke of how the two hospitals, Brownwood Medical Arts and Brownwood Memorial, merged together to form Brownwood Community Hospital, which we all know today as Brownwood Regional Medical Center.  

Mayor Bert Massey came with a proclamation from the City of Brownwood declaring August 20, 2009 as Brownwood Regional Medical Center Day.

Dr. Carol Boren, a current member of the Board of Trustees,  addressed the crowd pointing out the differences in medicine in 1969 verses the changes in technology today.  There was no AIDS, Medicare was only 4 years old and the MRSA virus was a newly found concern.  

Maxfield also pointed out that  BRMC, although a smaller hospital, boasts equipment such as a Linear Accelerator, a Level 4 Trauma Center, and a surgery unit that is very modern.  BRMC has a higher level of services as compared to communities of equal sizes.  There is also a rich history of second generation physicians including Chris Stephens, Dan Locker, Dale Wheelis, and Tim Moore, who followed their fathers in providing quality care to local patients.  Dr. Chris Stephens honored his father, JB Stephen by recalling his being the first Chief of Staff and having performed the first surgery in the hospital, a femur fracture.

Ky Ash from State Representative Jim Keffer’s office, honored the hospital with a signed resolution40tharticlepic from the Texas House of Representatives recognizing BRMC’s 40th Anniversary.  As CEO Maxfield accepted this document, he noted, “People inside the walls make the difference…compassion & caring…so many wonderful employees & volunteers…”

Gifts of gratitude were given to many longtime employees.  Those giving 40 years of service, included Lew Sharp, Clara Wright, Carole Spearman, Karen Mullins, and Auxiliary Workers Joanie Thomas, Bernice Porter, Lucy Harkey, Mickey Daniels, Florence Haas and Betty Bell.

Maxfield closed the evening by announcing a coming partnership of the Cancer Center at BRMC and the American Cancer Society to give computer access, availability of wigs & prostheses, and books to cancer patients at no cost.  He also stated that he is confident that BRMC will continue to grow with its now 550 employees, 100+ volunteers and $40 Million payroll…“as technology advances we too will continue to advance“.   A beautiful prayer of followed dismissed the crowd with hope of a continued future of competent caring service from our Brownwood Regional Medical Center and its employees/volunteers.

Enjoy more photos from this event below.

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