Commissioners2During  Monday morning’s Commissioner’s Court meeting, commissioners visited the County Extension Office for the office’s update.  Commissioners were greeted with wonderful Christmas goodies, fruit, fresh baked rolls and more.  

Brown County Extension agents Scott Anderson, Chelsea Stevens, and Sarah Hinkle each reported on 2009 Accomplishments and programs.

Traditional 4-H Programs were highlighted.  Youth involvement for the year:  457; volunteer involvement:  112; and 60% minority representation.  There are 80 elected leadership roles that provided leadership development and potential for higher income in life.  Supporting Education:  4-H member Rachel Taylor was awarded a $16,000 scholarship through the Texas 4-H Foundation Scholarship Awards Program.

Brown County Youth Fair 4-H entries by 179 members included 336 livestock projects and 973 home economics division entries.

4-H School Enrichment included three programs.  Hatching Eggs in the Classroom, where 82 dozen eggs were delivered to schools for hatching.  Agricultural Literacy educates today’s youth about the importance of agriculture and how it impacts their daily life.  425 youth from Brown County Independent School Districts attended 3rd Grade Ag Day which included hands-on activities and live lectures.  Character Education which teaches and implements the six pillars of character and encourages youth to make good and ethical choices.  38 students participated in Texans Building Character.

Extension Education Clubs were noted as being an asset to the extension office as well notably for contributing $13.4 million in Community Service (673,591 total hours) and $1.3 million of hours of education to communities (69,594 total hours).

A wild game recipe book was compiled by the Brown County Extension office to help beneficiaries of the Good Samaritan’s Deer Project to know how to cook venison and other wild game.

Commissioner Richard Gist stated, “With all the pressures today family units experience financially, etc.  you are to be commended for the influence you have on the kids and people in our community”.  Commissioner Traweek added, “Thank you for keeping agriculture alive, without 4-H & FFA, some youth wouldn’t have a clue (about the importance of agriculture).”

Other items of note at the Commissioner’s Court Meeting :

-Jan Brown:  Public hearing regarding SB1685, District Clerk Technology Fund.  New filing fees will be implemented as of January 1, 2010 for any filings in the District Court.
-Keith Madole brought forth two resolutions, which were unanimously passed in order to apply for the grant which benefits the Brown County Domestic Violence Task Force.
– Tony Aaron, explained the request for purchase of equipment  for emergency vehicles (new Dodge Chargers that have been ordered, which was also unanimously approved.

Commissioners1 AgriLifeExtension