commissionercourtarticlepicDue to the recent number of grassfires and mild drought situation Brown County is currently facing, a burn ban was put into effect Monday during Commissioners’ Court.

Commissioner Steve Adams stated that he had talked with the Brownwood Fire Chief and Fire Marshall as well as the Brookesmith Volunteer Fire Department, all of which were in favor of reinstating a burn ban.  He then made a motion to implement a burn ban for Brown County.

Although the recent cold front brought 0.25 inch of rain to the northern Precinct 2, Commissioner Joel Kelton agreed the ban was necessary.

Adoption of the burn ban was unanimous and with this in effect, there are now 60 counties in Texas under such bans.  Area counties which have not currently adopted burn bans are Comanche, Mills and Erath.

Other matters on the agenda were:

*Kitty Cavanaugh, Child Welfare Board brought a recommendation of Cotton Wood as a new member to the Child Welfare Board.  Commissioners approved the recommendation unanimously.

*Commissioners unanimously approved November 22, 2010 to be Adoption Day in Brown County.

*Brown County Sheriff’s Office received approval from Commissioners for several employee changes.  These changes in effect created a series of promotions within the agency and the hiring of two new employees to the positions of Jailer and Visitation Clerk.  They are as follows:

  • Scott Byrd, Family Violence Investigator
  • Vance Hill, Criminal Investigation
  • Nathan Land, Patrol
  • Joseph Armstrong, Jailer
  • Rhonda Dean, Part time Visitation Clerk
  • Shannon Johnston, Jailer

This recent flurry of promotions and hiring is due in part to Brown County recently received a grant of $86,457.25 which is a part of the Violence Against Women Act.  This funding enables Brown County to hire a Family Violence Investigator for which these funds will pay the salary.  There is a cash matching portion to the grant which will be used to purchase supplies and other expenses which will be incurred with this position.  The cash matching portion is to be $30,972 and may include items such as supplies, and employee pay for people who work with the Family Violence investigator; however it cannot include vehicles or their expenses.  Commissioners also approved the purchase of a desk and computer with accessories necessary to set up the Family Violence Investigator’s office.

*Captain Tony Aaron, BCSO, reported the jail count as 181 inmates, which is 11 from capacity.  Of those there are 42 females.

*Suzy Young, Elections Administrator came before the court to canvas the votes of the November General Election.

*Scott Anderson requested an employee pay raise; however Commissioners needed more information before making a decision due to the tight budget of this fiscal year and tabled discussion until the next meeting of the commissioners’ court.