Brownwood News – The Brown County Commissioners’ Court met at 9 a.m. on Monday, August 28th to discuss agenda items including a public hearing regarding a proposed tax rate.
The heavy rains over the last week caused the county commissioners to change the status of the burn ban during their meeting this morning. The court unanimously approved lifting the ban, stating each area of the county had received sufficient rain to warrant that action.
With no members of the public in attendance, the court still opened a public hearing regarding the proposed tax rate. County Judge Ray West said the proposed tax rate was 62.37 cents per $100 valuation, with the preceding rate being 60.93 cents per $100 valuation. West explained the effective tax rate was 60.31 cents per $100 valuation, while the rollback was 65.62 cents per $100 valuation. “The effective rate is the tax rate needed to raise the same amount of tax revenue for the upcoming tax year as was raised last year, based on new values,” West said. The second public hearing for the proposed tax rate will be August 31st at 9 a.m.
In other business, the court approved Precinct 3 Commissioner to declare a pneumatic roller that he described as a “dinosaur” as surplus and place that piece of equipment for sale on The court also approved adding the wording “cell phone use prohibited” to the flashing school zone light near Victory Life Academy. The commissioners also approved an interlocal agreement between Lubbock County and Brown County for Regional Public Defense Counsel for capital cases. The commissioners court will not meet September 4th due to the Labor Day holiday.