EHSValSal2010Early High School Commencement will take place on Saturday, May 29 at 6:00pm at the Brownwood Coliseum.  69 Seniors will be graduating representing the EHS Class of 2010.

Valedictorian for the EHS Class of 2010 is Jackie Henderson, daughter of Alan Henderson and the late Tina Henderson.  Jackie has been involved in Early 4-H for ten years, UIL and participated in band for 2 years in the drum line.  She plans to attend the University of North Texas most likely majoring in Business with an English minor.

Trenton Carothers, the son of Bill and Sheryl Carothers, is the Salutatorian of the EHS Class of 2010.  He has been involved in 1 Act Play, athletics, National Honor Society, Key Club, and UIL.  Trenton plans to attend Abilene Christian University where he will major in Mathematics and hopes to be an Actuary.