
Susan Combs, the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts came to Brownwood to speak to citizens and public officials on Monday, July 9th at the Depot Civic & Cultural Center.  After a presentation, the floor was open to questions from local officials and taxpayers. Combs focused on state spending, education, and local economies.

A point Combs made was to encourage businesses in Texas and that the government cannot over regulate without consequences.

“Capital will flee in a hostile environment,” said Combs.  “Our state has been very welcoming to business.”

Combs encouraged citizens to get out and shop to support the Texas economy.

“It’s important that Texas keeps a welcoming business climate, an educated workforce and that the legislature be conservative and not go on a spending spree,” stated Combs.

Currently in her second term, Combs is responsible for overseeing the state’s budget, which reaches over $100 billion. Combs said she is passionate about educating the public on how their tax dollars are being spent.

See video of Combs’ full presentation below.

Photos & Video by Lisa Tipton

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Brownwood Mayor Stephen Haynes talks with Susan Combs during her visit to Brownwood.