ColortymeTVDonationBPDFriday morning, Colortyme of Brownwood made a donation of a 32-inch Toshiba LCD television to the Brownwood Police Department.  Colortyme manager Sylvia Martinez, along with coworker Shawn Jowers, installed the television with a bit of assistance from Assistant Chief James Fuller, who helped move the cable line to accommodate the break room with local service.

The break room has not seen much use because it is just a room with tables and chairs that is adjacent to a kitchen and somewhat quiet.  Now that there is a television set, a few of the officers present agreed it will give them the opportunity to catch up on the news or watch a show during lunch or breaks and that the room may see more visitors.

Brownwood Police Chief Mike Corley has even extended an invitation to the Brown County Sheriff’s Office to enjoy the new gift.  The BSCO and BPD break rooms are in the same area but separated by a shared kitchen and snack machines.

The television set was at no cost to the taxpayers and is received as a gift from Colortyme, a rent-to-own company that, as a franchise, has placed many of these donations around the state as a way to say thank you to local law enforcement officers.

Pictured above are:  Sgt. Troy Carroll, Chief Mike Corley, Sylvia Martinez & Shawn Jowers of Colortyme, Assistant Chief James Fuller, Officer Chandra Means, and Detective Bruce Spruill.