
Coggin Elementary Principal, Todd Lewis, will participate in the Hands on a House contest held during the Brownwood Reunion Celebration.  “He is planning on trying to win and turn around and selling the building to split the money between two families,” said Brenda Hernandez, a bilingual instructional assistant at Coggin Elementary.

Two Coggin Elementary families have experienced recent hardships, and Lewis is hoping he can help.  “Lenzi DeLuna was a student at Coggin Elementary last school year and was diagnosed with cancer,” said Hernandez.  “Mr. Lewis is hoping if he wins they could use the money for traveling expenses and other necessities Lenzi will need.”

Lewis also plans to split any winnings with the family of Jose Hector Zaragoza, a custodian who worked at Coggin Elementary for 12 years.  Zaragoza was killed in a car wreck August 25th.

“The more canned goods he collects, the more breaks and advantages he gets,” said Hernandez. “We are hoping to have the community and Coggin parents and students be a great help.”

The contest will take place on the corner of Carnegie and Adams Street on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday during the Brownwood Reunion Celebration. A count of all food donations and dollars contributed will take place at 10:00 pm on Saturday evening.