earlylonghornslogoIn light of pending contract recommendations later in the evening, the Early ISD board room was lined with close to 50 visitors, many who had to spill into the hallway, as several people came to voice their support of EISD Athletic Director Coach Brad Bowden at Monday night’s regular school board meeting.

Pastor of Early First Baptist Church Eddie Alshie told the board that he came to the meeting to show his support for Coach Bowden and for the difficult decisions the coach had made during his tenure at Early ISD.  

“He’s got character. He’s got principals and he stands by that,” Alshie said. “He knows exactly what he’s doing and I think he deserves our respect.”

Kerri Jacobson told the board that her purpose in coming before them was to respectfully stand for Coach Bowden and to ask the board to renew his contract.

“We have a treasure in Coach Bowden and our kids are crying out for us to stand up for what is right.”

Pastor Dean Banks, who said he has three children at Early ISD, told the board that he has been a supporter of Coach Bowden since the first year he was here and made some tough decisions.

“I believe if we continue to support this team, this man and this school, we’ll see great things happen.”

The board later met in closed session to discuss administrative staff evaluations and contract recommendations. Bowden’s contract was renewed by a vote of 4 to 1.

In other business, the board identified the expiring terms of Pat Mooney, Place 1 and Place 2, a seat vacated by Terry Sullivan when he resigned from the board a few months ago.

The election will be held Saturday, May 12 and the deadline to file for a place on the ballot is 5 p.m., March 5.

The board also approved the purchase of a school bus out of fund balance for $88,880 plus $1,555 for lap belt ready seat frames. Superintendent Brett Koch said the bus will be delivered this summer.