
Municipal Judge Don Clements was honored Friday with a retirement reception with many friends, family, past and present coworkers and officials in attendance.

Friday was the last day of work for Clements and the beginning of retirement from his judicial career.  Special guests included old friends, city officials, past police, and even a court clerk who from Corpus Christi for the event.

Brownwood City Manager Bobby Rountree stated that Clements’ longtime career for the city was quite an accomplishment.

“The fact of his surviving more than 32 years as municipal judge is an outstanding accomplishment.  He did a great job and it’s not an easy job,” said Rountree.  “Those who came to see him were not usually happy customers and he handled the job with great diplomacy.”

San Angelo City Judge Allen Gilbert stated that he and Clements have been friends for years and attended many continuing education classes together.

“I have learned a lot from him,” stated Gilbert, who has been a judge for 38 years.  “We both came in when the courts were much smaller.”

Those who worked closely with him stated that Clements is a very smart man, especially with math.

“One thing I’ll never forget is what an awesome mathematician he is,” said Clerk Melissa Simpson.  “He can do math in his head faster than I can do it on the computer’s calculator.”

City Marshal Dean Kilburn stated that Judge Clements will be greatly missed in the courtroom.  Kilburn has worked under Clements since becoming the city marshal.

Although many expressed he will be hard to replace, the Brownwood City Council has been taking applications to fill the vacancy and will discuss such at the October 9th meeting of the Council.

For Clements, retirement from the bench will allow him more free time to enjoy friends, his “old age” (as he put it) and a little more golf in his spare time.

Pictured above is Judge Clements (center) with Brownwood City Mayor Stephen Haynes (left) and his wife Janice Clements (left) as he is presented a personalized clock from the City of Brownwood.  Below are more photos from the event.




Judges Clements and Gilbert


Clerk Melissa Simpson says goodbye

