Brownwood ISD teachers and school administrators are becoming the pupils this summer, as they participate in multiple professional development opportunities. One such opportunity was a workshop entitled, “Insights and strategies for helping the volatile, impulsive, and aggressive child,” put on by Education Service Center XV. It was held on June 18, at the Brownwood ISD Administration Building.
Attending the workshop were 86 educators comprised of classroom teachers, administrators, counselors and special education personnel from 21 different school districts.
During the course of the day, participants improved their ability to understand factors and issues that most influence impulsive and aggressive behavior, learned how to reduce behaviors that can threaten the safety of this child and others, and how to increase confidence in teaching this child long-term skills of impulsive control. Participants also learned new prevention and intervention techniques that are effective in different settings.
Local liaison for the staff development was Alice Cox, BISD Special Education Director. “It was a pleasure to work with Education Service Center Region XV to bring a nationally recognized presenter such as Dr. Sutton to Brownwood. By Brownwood ISD hosting the workshop, teachers in the area could receive quality training and minimize travel expenses. We look forward to repeating this opportunity in the future.”
Pictured above: Educators from 21 school districts attended a professional development workshop hosted by Brownwood ISD on June 18. The topic was “Insights and strategies for helping the volatile, impulsive, and aggressive child.”