CityofBrownwoodlogo_smallIn a tie-breaker vote, the Brownwood city council opted not to pursue another protest regarding the recently renewed alcohol sales permit at the Food Plaza convenience store located on Southside Drive.   Appointed Judge and County Commissioner Larry Traweek signed a judgment on August 31st granting renewal of the alcohol sales permit of the store.  The decision to grant the renewal was a result of a special hearing held on August 19th where the City of Brownwood and Brownwood ISD had previously issued protests of the permit’s renewal.

Mayor Stephen Haynes issued the tie breaking vote in Tuesday’s city council meeting to not seek another protest hearing and allow the alcohol sales permit to stand.  Haynes said that the chances of winning another protest were unlikely and not worth the expense.   (CLICK HERE for more information about the recent protest ruling.)

In other city business at Tuesday’s council meeting, the City of Brownwood held the first of two public hearings on Tuesday regarding the new property tax rate for 2010.  The city is maintaining their current tax rate of $.7452 per $100 valuation; however, the average taxable value of property in Brownwood has increased from $70,838 to $72,272.  This increase in value will also increase the property tax revenue for the city.

The city will hold the second public hearing on the tax rate on September 14th seeking public input, and will adopt the new rate during a special called meeting on September 21st on first reading and vote on final approval on September 28th.

*The city also held a public hearing regarding a new grant to benefit local law enforcement agencies.  A grant any size is welcomed within a tight budget year, and the City of Brownwood along with Brown County are happy to have received this shared grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the 2010 Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant.  The grant totals $12,193, which will be split:  $7804 (64%) for the city and $4,389 (36%) for the county.  It was explained in the public hearing that Brownwood Chief of Police Mike Corley has suggested the money allotted to the city be used to purchase four alpha mobile radios with DES digital encryption for police vehicles.    The council unanimously approved both acceptance of the grant and a memorandum of understanding with Brown County to share the funds.

“These are updated digital radios compared to the analogue radios,” stated Chief Corley.  “They are mandated by law.”  He further explained that they are somewhat controversial in that they keep others, such as the media, from hearing police traffic.

*The city council issued a pair of proclamations on Tuesday.  September was recognized at National Emergency Preparedness Month.  Local agencies will be celebrating the occasion with the first ever Emergency Preparedness Fair on September 11th.

Council also recognized the week of September 17-23 as Constitution Week.

*The council unanimously approved on first reading a negotiated resolution between the Atmos Cities Steering Committee regarding the company’s third Rate Review Mechanism filing in all cities exercising original jurisdiction.  The monthly impact in the rate you will pay for natural gas services from Atmos will be going up approximately $1.40/mo. for the average household (3.15% increase in the total bill) when passed in second and third readings.  This rate increase is part of a negotiated settlement for Atmos to be able to recover reasonable expenses through rate increases to the customers, in effect passing the expenses through to the customers.  The rate will affect billing on or after October 1, 2010.  There are 148 cities currently served by Atmos.

*Both consent agenda items were unanimously passed by the council.  These included establishing a loading zone on both sides of 13th Street from Brady Avenue for 300 ft. to the alley and nominating Mayor Stephen Haynes as representative for Region 6 on the Texas Municipal League-Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool (TML-IEBP).  There is an additional nominee for the position, Brendon Weatherman, Mayor Pro Tem of the City of Brady.

*A resolution was passed which Authorizes Mayor Haynes as the contractual signature with Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADs) for the Senior Citizens Program, which is the funding source for the Sr. Citizens Center Meal Program.  Amendments approving Title XX and Title XIX funding as well as West Central Texas Area Agency on Aging to the budget for congregate and home delivered meals.  The balance of the cost of meals over these three funding sources will be covered by program income (Senior Donations), the City of Brownwood, the City of Early and Brown County.  The contract period is from October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011.

“The ladies and men that volunteer and serve the meals do an admirable job and they are to be commended,” stated Councilman Carl McMillian.  McMillian also stated that the meals are good and he has enjoyed them on a number of occasions.

*Council gave unanimous approval of the city manager’s signature to enter into a contractual agreement for Solid Waste Disposal with Brasher & Company.  Kohler has contracted with Brasher & Company to haul waste from their facilities to the City of Brownwood Regional Landfill.

*Unanimous approval was given to Mayor Haynes’ reappointments of Charles Lowe, Bill Slaymaker, and Rita Hairston each to 2 year terms to the Brownwood Housing Authority Board.  All have been serving for some period and all desired to remain on the board.

*The Parks Project was given by Bobby Rountree, city manager, who reported that the flooring is coming in this week for repairs to the Sr. Center and that the Camp Bowie Sports Complex is progressing.  Back stops and block work are completed on some of the fields and buildings.  Rountree stated, “It’s really coming along, it’s changing the landscape.”