
The City of Brownwood officially recognized workers who had five years of service at Tuesday’s council meeting.

Mayor Stephen Haynes noted the hard work and diligence of city employees that he has seen since coming into office.

“When I was first elected, I was asked what the biggest surprise was when I came into office.  I would have to say that it is how well the city is run,” stated Haynes.

Those celebrating a fifth year of working with the City are pictured above.  Front row:  (left to right) are Clarence Chambers-Street Department, Sonny McGinn-Street Department, Casey Barker-Street Department, Michael Kirchner-Waste Water Collection, and Kimberly Bennet-Sr. Citizens Center.  Back row:  (left to right) are Mayor Stephen Haynes, Barry Martin-Development Services, Brandon Mair-Waste Water Collection, Wayne Morris-Parks & Recreation, Trey Weathermon-Police Department, and Larry Owings-Police Department.  Not pictured are:  Joe Estrada-Sanitation, Johnny Jackson-Police Department, Jon Ochoa-Landfill, Justin Posey-Fire Department, and Zane Taylor-Police Department.