Following Tuesday’s Brownwood City Council meeting, Brownwood Mayor Stephen Haynes announced that the city is beginning its search for a new city manager.
The council will advertise the city manager’s position internally (within the city organization) from Wednesday until Friday (March 25 – 27). If qualified applications are received, interviews will be conducted the week of March 30. Should there not be a qualified candidate within the organization, the council will advertise externally.
City Manager Bobby Rountree announced that he will retire this coming June at the council meeting held March 10th. Rountree has been with the city for eight years and has been in public service for 44 years.
In other matters on Tuesday’s agenda:
*After a public hearing, council approved an ordinance on first reading to close and abandon a portion of the right of way on Vine Street between Quail Run and Willis Creek. According to City Manager Bobby Rountree, residents at 200 and 108 Quail Run requested the abandonment to resolve encroachment issues and/or building set back requirements. One residence has a portion of their garage constructed within the set back limits of the ROW and the other has an addition on their home which was built within the ROW. The portion of the roadway is only used by the city to access the creek for maintenance, allow drainage from Vine Street and Quail run and contains a 16-inch diameter water line. This ROW is 70 ft. wide. Adjacent property owners will pay for a survey and for recording documents (Quit Claim Deeds). The matter will come before the council again on second, third and final readings at the next regular council meeting. After final approval a surveyor will be engaged, according to Rountree. The city will continue to maintain the roadway, which remains open to the public.
*Council approved on first reading amending the rules and regulations of the Brownwood Regional Airport to eliminate the requirement to obtain a permit from the airport to perform work at the airport and to establish a requirement that any person performing commercial/business activity at the airport register with the airport manager; to eliminate the requirement that any person performing commercial/business activity at the airport maintain liability insurance coverage. This amendment was recommended by the Airport Board, due to liability insurance being cost prohibitive for those visiting the airport to perform services such as mechanics, taxi drivers and custodians, according to City of Brownwood Attorney Pat Chesser. The ordinance will still require those leasees who bound by the terms of their leases to continue to have liability insurance, said Chesser. The amendment will be brought before the council in second, third and final readings before it is implemented.
*Council authorized the mayor to execute an agreement with Hutchins Construction Company authorizing city labor and equipment participation in construction of Fourth Street in the Gibson Addition. The agreement states that Hutchins Construction Company will pay for the materials, estimated at $16,000 and the city will provide labor and equipment for the construction of the roadway, subject to equipment and staff availability, according to Rountree.
*Council authorized the city manager to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the Mid-Texas Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Inc. and the Brownwood/Brown County Health Department for collaboration of efforts. This MOU does not require any financial obligation, according to Brownwood Economic Development Director Emily Crawford. This is necessary as the Mid-Tex Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse receives grant funding and a requirement the grant is to have an MOU with the local health department in their service area. The MOU defines the roles and responsibilities of each agency and how they work together.
*Council authorized expenditure from reserves in the amount of $11,500 to Sunbelt Pools for repairs to the Camp Bowie Aquatic Center. The pool has leaks between a majority of the expansion joints and a structural crack between the drain sump and the wall in the shallow end of the pool near the slide, according to Rountree. These leads were determined to have been caused by shifting in the soil, said Rountree.
*Council approved an expenditure of funds for emergency replacement of a pump at the Slayden lift station up to $35,000. The station was originally built in 1968 and this pump would cost $10,000-$12,000 to repair and would need another rebuild in 5-7 years based on the history of these pumps, said Rountree. Purchasing a new pump would be more cost effective according to David Harris, City of Brownwood Utilities Department.
*Council approved extending the term of the agriculture lease on approximately 218 acres owned by the City of Brownwood, located on FM 45 (Bartholomew tract) to coincide with the term of the hunting lease for the same property at the current terms. This property has potential for commercial development and staff recommended terminating the leases at the same time to better manage the property.