CityofBrownwoodlogo_smallThe Brownwood City Council held a special meeting this morning at City Hall.  Although the meeting was called to adopt the city budget and tax rate, council members want to support the county’s efforts to keep FEMA from raising the flood plain elevations.

The city passed a resolution today to support previous resolutions already passed by Brown County and the Water Improvement Districts asking that FEMA keep the base flood elevations at 10 feet above sea level.

City Manager Bobby Rountree said that FEMA has been attempting to raise the base flood elevation at Lake Brownwood by at least three feet which would impact residents living around the lake and in the city.  Raising the flood level would force many people to purchase flood insurance and others to see an increase in their rates.

Council member Darrell  Haynes said, “This is one of the most important issues facing Brown County.”

See information regarding Brown County’s resolution HERE.

In other city business:

-The city council approved ordinances today adopting the 2009/2010 annual budget on first reading, levying taxes for 2009, and setting utility rates.  All of these issues had been discussed at length during previous council meetings.  The second and third readings will be done next week.

-The city also renewed contracts with the City of Early, City of San Saba, IESI, and Duncan Disposal for solid waste disposal.

-The city ratified an amendment for some minor changes with the Brownwood Professional Firefighters Association.

-The city manager reported that the new issue of Texas Highways Magazine published an article about the Lehnis Transportation Museum.

-The city manager also reported that the city hall roof repair should be compete in about another week. The recent rains did cause some water to leak into the building during the repairs.

-Bid for the Coliseum Annex and Aquatic Facility are due Thursday.