Brownwood News – Retail stores and restaurants can re-open to the Texas public this Friday, May 1st, but occupancy of those establishments is limited to 25% during Phase 1 of the plan outlined Monday by Governor Greg Abbott.


The City of Brownwood released the following statement regarding limited occupancy.

“Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that the State of Texas will start allowing retail stores and restaurants to reopen on Friday, May 1st after his previous stay-at-home order expires on Thursday to help economic conditions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Under the new executive order, retail stores and restaurants in the City of Brownwood will be able to open their doors but limit their occupancy capacity to 25%. The full allowable capacity of each business can be located on their posted Certificate of Occupancy, issued by the City of Brownwood, that lists the maximum number of people allowed inside the business at any one time under “Occupant Load.”

Starting Friday, businesses will be allowed to open at up to 25% of their occupancy number listed on their Certificate of Occupancy which includes both employees and customers. This new order and the 25% rule applies to the new category of “reopened services” and does not affect the occupancy capacity of businesses already classified as “essential services” from the previous State order.

The new order does not include the opening of bars, gyms, interactive amusement venues, massage establishments, tattoo studios, piercing studios or cosmetology salons, which all must remain closed at this time according to the Governor’s order.

In providing or obtaining essential services or reopened services, people and businesses should follow the minimum standard health protocols recommended by DSHS, found at, and should implement social distancing, work from home if possible, and practice good hygiene, environmental cleanliness, and sanitation.

If a business has a question about their maximum allowable occupancy or would like to verify that information, they can call the City of Brownwood at 325-646-5775.

Please visit for the Governor’s full report.”